Thursday, March 21, 2019

Be Careful of the Guys Praising You

I am currently watching a Youtube video of a talk from the UK which was discussing the fact that the US President, Mr. Donald Trump had not come out to speak out strongly against the “White Supremacist” who was the perpetrator of the New Zealand shooting last week.
The most interesting part of this show, is that the show’s main hosts, Piers Morgan (who once participated in “Celebrity Apprentice” and is a friend of Donald Trump) was trying to make the point that although Donald Trump cannot be blamed for every instance of White Supremacy around the world, he could be doing a lot more to combat.

What made this particularly interesting, was the fact that the Trumpette on the other end of the show, was trying her best to make the point the shooter was a “lone wolf,” and that you cannot blame Trump for everything and that “right-wing” extremist groups have declined in America. She somehow couldn’t help but feel defensive whenever the shows hosts kept on pushing the fact that whenever there’s an attack by Muslim terrorists, the Donald has been more than happy to use the Presidential Pulpit to condemn the evils of Muslim terrorists. However, whenever a White Supremacist does something, the President somehow goes very quiet – just think of the “fine people on both sides” response to the events in Charlottesville. The clip of the show can be seen at:

This interview did strike me that something in this world is wrong. My formative years were spent in the West. I grew up in Spain, where the name of Franco evoked emotional chills, then I moved to Germany where the entire nation was constantly made aware of its atrocious Nazi past and then I moved to England where the people were proud of standing up to the Nazis and regarded the extremist of the British National Party (BNP) were regarded as a group of nut jobs.

In the years that I spent in the West,  Nazis and other white supremacist were regarded as the sum of the earth. You made movies out of beating the crap of these people and nobody in their right minds would ever consider voting for them. Yes, I’ve known White Europeans to get frustrated with the brown, usually Muslim immigrants coming over (I think of the “Paki” jokes that were common in England and I think of the difficulties my stepdad has dealing with Muslim migrant men glaring at him, a male gynecologist needing to examine their pregnant wives.) Yet, I do not have a single White European (I include the British and Americans here) who would consider the “Nazis” as a viable political party. It was just not done.

I also remember growing up in a world where America was the “hero” of the world. American politicians of all shapes and size would champion the fact that America played the deciding role in defeating the Nazis and standing up for the little guy. Once again, I have never met a “White American” who considered the KKK an acceptable group of people.

So, I take the position that this is a strange world, where the leader of the “free-world,” doesn’t lead the fight against the worst in humanity. It worried me when the Donald, while running for President went off on his rants about Mexicans being rapist and wanting to ban all Muslims from entering the country. While I haven’t been perfect in avoiding racists thoughts, I try my best as a human being not to indulge in them. So, if I, as an insignificant spot on humanity can make the effort to avoid indulging in my worst instincts, surely someone running for “leader of the free world” should be able to do the same. It’s also disturbing that an otherwise decent people would actually vote for the clown.
I don’t disagree with the fact that Islamic Extremism has to be defeated. You cannot argue that Osama Bin Ladin and his followers and their successors at ISIS were simply bad news.

However, you cannot fight “Islamic Extremism” if you insist on defending the guys who have it in for people of colour and the guys who think hurting Muslims is OK. Sure, Trump cannot be blamed for everything. He didn’t, for example, fly down to New Zealand and arm the guy who perpetrated the killings.

What he can be blamed for is NOT leading the fight against extremist ideologies of the white variety. As Piers Morgan tried to explain, he almost denies that White Supremacist are a problem as can be seen in the clip:

And even if terrorist attacks by White Supremacist are not as grand as those conducted by their Islamic counterparts, you could expect the “leader of the free world” to disassociate himself with fringe nut jobs who have a history of trying to harm people of a different colour. I mean, would you want to be endorsed by these guys?

The Donald may not be a racist. As a businessman, the only colour that mattered was “green” (like the US Dollar.). Trump’s Muslim ban conveniently exempted Saudi Arabia and the UAE, countries with Muslims who can afford Trump’s real estate. Behind the rhetoric on China, he probably doesn’t have issues with Chinese, especially since the Chinese started buying his properties and his wines.
However, how confident can one be of a man who doesn’t see the problem of being endorsed by Nazis? He’s been promoted as a “straight shooter” who tells it like it is. Yet, and yet, he’s got a magical ability to call “bad people” just that.

1 comment

Aegisint said...

In living memory we have witnessed the murder of christian black worshippers in their church in the USA, the murder of jewish white worshippers in their temple in the USA, the atrocities committed by the KKK and others in the US South, the bombing of the FBI building in Oklahoma City by a pair of admitted white supremacists and I am sure there are more, but these are the ones that come immediately to mind. There is a rising tide of white supremacism in the west and the Christchurch tragedy may well empower other racist bigots (almost always white) to start their own private war against "others". It is the irrational fear of "other" that drives their paranoia. Trump and other politicians who identify to the right are only too happy to fan these flames, they have no care for the consequences for the ordinary person, only to be in power.

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Maira Gall