Thursday, December 06, 2018

Which part of your body goes into Innovation ?

Innovation has been integral to human evolution since the cart-wheel was invented by man some 3500 years ago, and it so much a part of our daily life that often, we are oblivious as to how it impacts us. Innovation, simply put is 'improving’ in whatever you do, and that is constantly happening around our lives, as we speak.
I started by asking, which part of their body did the teams use the most to “innovate” on the projects – after a few hesitant moments, the hands went up … answers ranged from - head ! hands ! thumbs !! ears !! eyes ! brain !! and even feet!!!!! … Then a girl uttered “Heart”.. aha... joy.
There is so much written about innovation, and theorised that it is hard to find what it really is, unless you yourself have walked the route, experienced it and reflected on it.
Yes, what lies in between the ears, the head or brain is of course most important. The brain in itself has two hemispheres, the logical left and the creative right. Its not just using the right brain that causes innovation but the ability to fire up both hemispheres, perhaps alternating. Much has already been said about it. But, that’s not enough - no innovation has ever happened by the sheer power of the brainpower alone… there is this emotional element, and a strong one at that, which is called passion. This passion is a piece of the heart, it carries patience, commitment and total dedication together with it... all are features of a strong heart. "Whats in it if you don't have your heart in it, anyway ??  That completes the first 2 parts. Now there is this important 3rd piece of the jig, a vital part – and it is the Gut (belly!).
You have always heard about that “fire in the belly” expression, it the seat of a certain vital energy. When you are really angry you almost feel that heat or pain in the stomach…. It seats a great deal of energy - both positive and negative, and on a more subtle level, we have heard of Intuition – a message that strikes you, in a cryptic language or image of its own, but never leaving you in doubt. A kind of revelation, that instantly tells you something rather strongly and powerfully. It is the “gut” that says it all. Isn’t it a common expression you have heard and used, surely in your life “I feel in my gut!”?… That’s perhaps the Eureka moment. The gut is equally the seat of courage and risk taking. Hence, here you go bingo. Mind, Heart and Gut …the 3 elements of Innovation.
However - Gut, alone might lead you to disaster, and Mind alone might leave you with heavy head and confused, and with a Heart alone sadly - great feelings may lead to supreme disappointments.
The key is to be a conscious and holistic innovator, it helps being perceptive and sensitive to these three inner drivers within one self, that can make you so much more effective in trying to be successful. Now tickle yourself to wake up all the 3 resident parts of your body, and go and innovate… its an exciting journey anyway, whether you succeed or you have dared to try…..its worth it, my young friends.

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Maira Gall