Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The Only Difference Between us is that while You Like to F** Girl’s C**ts, I Prefer to F*** G** A**

 It’s Pride Month, where the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender and Queer (best known as LGBTQ) community around the world celebrate pride in their chosen sexuality. There are all sorts of events for the community to come together and celebrate being LGBTQ.

As with anything involving human sexuality, the month does bring out the strongest of passions. On one hand you have the extremely religious who point to any “Pride” event as being a sign of how far society has degenerated. On the other extreme, you have the LGBTQ community which argues that “Pride” events are very necessary to combat the discrimination that they face.


Copyright – Indy Pride, Inc

I don’t get the passions over human sexuality. As a straight guy, I get turned on by the usual bits of female anatomy and I do think its abnormal for man to get turned on by the male anatomy as opposed to the female bits. Having said that, I do get that there are men who prefer the male bits to the female bits and would probably deem me abnormal for having the “turn-ons” that I have. Why should it bother me that another man gets turned on by different things?

When it comes to dealing with sexual behavior between consenting adults, I believe the line from The Fabulous Baker Boys should apply – “Who I f*** and who I don’t f*** is none of your f***ing business.”

Unfortunately, this piece of wisdom is never actually applied when it comes to what people do in the bedroom. In Singapore, we only need to look at what happens whenever there’s a discussion on the now infamous 377A clause which prohibits a private act between two consenting adults in the privacy of their bedroom. Somehow, everyone forgets the very principle that who two adults chose to f*** is none of anyone else’s business. I remember having this discussion with a lawyer, who tried to convince me that “society did not approve of homosexuality.” I actually had to ask her how non-approval of society was a legal foundation for anything. When two individuals get together in the privacy of the bedroom, they are f*** each other not the rest of society.

Still, we have a status quo of “legal ambiguity,” which in turn does a more effective job of f***ing society that what the individuals do in the privacy of their bedroom. It makes a total mockery of the concept of rule of law and ironically enough, makes “Pride” necessary.

I am a straight Chinese fellow. From where I stand, there should be no reason for anyone to have a “Pride” event to announce that they are proud of their sexuality just as you don’t need a “Black/Blue/Purple Lives” movement. There shouldn’t be a need for such things. All lives should matter and nobody should have a special period for celebrate their sexuality.

However, that is clearly not the case. “Black Lives” came about because it is clear that “All Lives” clearly don’t matter or at least some lives matter more than others. Likewise, you need “Pride” month/week/day because if you’re part of the LGBTQ community, everyone else is going to do their best to try and adjust your sex life for you and they’re going to try and make you feel miserable for it.

Nobody for example has ever explained in a reasonable and logical matter as to why people of different colours or different sexualities should have less rights than the rest of us. What is it about them that makes it justified for us to treat them less than human?

Take, for example, what exactly is a “Gay Man.” Why is it such that we think it’s perfectly acceptable to deny them the right to have sex with their chosen partners or to settle down in matrimony? Are they less manly and therefore less worthy of the privileges of being a man?

I think of a gay friend who explained it as follows, “The only difference between us is in what we like to f***. I like to f*** guy’s a*** and you like to f*** girl’s c***. Other than that, I like all the manly things you like, such as drinking beer, watching a game and getting into fights. That’s the only difference.” So, why can’t he have the same rights that I have when the only difference between our manhood is where we like to put it?  

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Maira Gall