Saturday, January 13, 2024

God’s Trial


Something Godly is actually happening in the world of international geopolitics. Around two days ago, South Africa brought a case of Genocide against the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip.

This is a historic first. Israel has traditionally been regarded as one of the good guys of international diplomacy in the Western World. Criticism of any of Israel’s actions particularly in the Western World, inevitably get shut down as “antisemitic” and in the case of Europe or more specifically Germany, Israeli politicians have a field day of talking about what happened in the 1940s. Try to suggests that Israel is less than perfect in the United Nations, (UN) and the world’s most powerful nation will inevitably shut it down with their veto.

My personal position is and always has been this – yes, the attacks on Israel on October 7, 2023 went beyond resistance but the subsequent reprisals against the Palestinians have gone beyond self-defense. Sure, if you want to wipe out Hamas, put your famed intelligence service and army of spies and assassins to good use. Show the people of Gaza that its worth working in peace with Israel and they’re not going let the destructive arm of Hamas rule them. Bombing the Gaza strip on a daily basis and turning off all essential supplies is only going to make Hamas stronger and more radical.

The argument that Hamas have killed 1,000 Israelis does not justify Israel killing in the tens of thousands. People who use this argument are inevitably saying that the life of someone of European decent is worth significantly more than someone of Semitic decent.

In the 1990s, these common facts were appreciated and recognized by leaders like Yitzhak Rabin, who actually served his national service. However, when Mr. Rabin was assassinated by an illegal settler, Israel under the insane arm of the Likud has been on a mission to take as a much land by force, thus trashing any hope of a secure and stable Middle East. As the Israeli journalist Gideon Levy points out – this current bombing campaign has no strategic point and the same could be said of every other campaign that Israel has waged against Palestinian people:


 That’s my personal view, which I believe is pretty much based on the evidence that I get from news reports. However, it’s never been the acceptable view in Western societies (which includes Singapore) where I’ve spent most of my life. If you talk to enough of “My” people (graduate middle class – lighter skinned people), you’ll be unable to avoid getting the sense of relief that the Israelis are putting dark skinned people in their place. I’ve actually heard people complain that the Palestinians brought it on themselves by not trying to help the Israelis overthrow Hamas – erm, why should they side with a power that has made it clear that it sees them as disposable darkies. I’ve actually been told by local Singaporeans that they are proud of being a colony of the UK and my tax director actually tried to tell me that people missed colonial rule (my reply was that the only thing better than a colonial master six foot under was the act of putting him there and I had to be reminded that the steak knife was for steak).

South Africa’s case changes that. Sure, whatever the ruling, its probably going to be ignored. Israel and the USA do not recognize that jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). However, the fact that this case was brought before the Court, is a sign that many of the smaller nations of the world, are not going to accept a narrative on a situation dictated to them by global Western Powers.


Sure, the majority of nations supporting South Africa are Muslim-Majority. However, there are prominent non-Muslim majority states like Brazil, Colombia and Nicaragua that are supporting the South African case. What’s even more interesting is that smaller European nations like Ireland and Belgium seem to support this motion. Think of the arguments made by this Irish Lawyer.


 It’s encouraging to see the proverbial “third world” wanting to make its voice heard. Sure, the economic and by extension military power in the world remains in the West. If migration patterns are anything to go by most of us would rather live in a Western country than in a third world one – the joke being will only be a world power when the American Born Chinese tell you that they’re Chinese with American passports rather than Americans of Chinese descent.

However, as the so-called “developing” world develops, its no longer going to accept the dictation of the “advanced” world. The opportunities of the future are inevitably going to be in “developing” places and one will need to respect their point of view rather than impose yours onto them. The argument that a fair skinned life is worth more than a dark and semitic one was never acceptable and its good that the world is making that point.

1 comment

Anonymous said...

Good job, Hamas supporter.
More articles please, to support Hamas Charter's goal of annihilation of Israel.

© BeautifullyIncoherent
Maira Gall