Friday, December 06, 2019

It’s Not My Fault You’re Funny

You have to hand it to Donald Trump for having the innate ability to be funny. He is without doubt the best President ever for anyone in the media, particularly those in the business of satire. Comedians have been given enough material to last a lifetime. He is like one of those magic pens that writes the script as he goes along. One event from the Trump White House produces fresh material for every comedian in America and beyond.

You have to remember; this is the man who won an election on the premise that he was going to stop the world from laughing at the USA. He told the ordinary American that he was going to ‘drain the swamp’ and that he would stop the world from trying to take advantage of America. The world that was laughing at America would stop laughing once he came to power.

The American voters loved it. Unfortunately, they forgot that there are certain things in life which should not be said out loud, unless you need to cover for something. I think of men who talk about their size as an example. Do you really need to tell anyone how well you’re built down there? Or, I think of restaurants that call themselves “delicious.” Why do you have to use such descriptions – unless ………

Somehow, the American voter in 2016 failed to understand that concept of not having to say something unless you were compensating. Here was a man who had to call himself a “stable genius” (with no record to show he was) and “very rich” (while at the same time refusing to release his tax returns). So, what made the voters think that he would stop the world laughing when he announced that he would?

Trump is funny and he doesn’t realise it, which is a shame. The most prominent instance could be found at the latest NATO Summit in the United Kingdom when a group of world leaders (The British and Canadian Prime Ministers, the French President and what appears to be the Princes Royal) were huddled in a group making fun of the Donald. The Canadian Prime Minister was particularly audible in his comments of Donald Trump holding a “40-minute” press conference. The clip can be seen at:

As predicted, a being with the fabulous ability to come up with nicknames for other people (think of “Crooked Hillary” and “Shifty Shiff” as prominent examples) couldn’t handle it when he was on the receiving end, and fled back to Washington DC, but not before taking the time out to call Canada’s Prime Minister, “Two-Faced,:” at a press meeting.

One would expect the leader of the most powerful nation on earth, or “the most powerful man in the world,” to be above most things. It’s like this – who cares what people say about you when entire countries come knocking at your door.

Unfortunately, Americans don’t quite understand that they are the strongest nation on the planet. While other countries, particularly China, India and Russia have grown in power and stature, America remains by far and away the leading economic and military power (US military spending is greater than the next 26 nations, of which 25 are allies).

So, how did America get so blind to this and voted for a man who talks so much about projecting strength that they couldn’t see the obvious weakness in the man. When the world’s most powerful military runs out of Syria, which has people armed with pea-shooters to send their troops to the Mexican border to fight an invasion of poor and unarmed people, you know something is wrong.
America is a great nation, and in many ways, the greatest in history. It’s achieved this strength by basing its national foundation on individual liberty and happiness. America succeeds because it allows people from all over the world to come into America to succeed. A strong Germany and Japan did not subtract from America but added to it and the same will be true of a strong China and India.

It’s such a shame that America chose to be elected by a man so weak that he’s doing everything to trash the things that make America so great. This is actually quite sad but at least the comedians have helped us laugh out what should be an obvious tragedy.  

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Maira Gall