Tuesday, October 01, 2019

More Gretas Needed

I like Greta Thunberg. She’s exactly what a young person should be – passionate and interested in trying to make the world a better place. As I’ve mentioned in my posting “The Problem with Adults,” she’s done something cool – she’s pissed off some of the most powerful people in the world. I mean, I can’t even get hauled up to the Istana for a scolding from the Prime Minister of little Singapore and yet, at the age of 16, this girl has managed to get a stage at the UN and gotten not just the US President talking about her but also the Australian Prime Minister. I mean, what else makes you a “somebody” than having the most powerful people talk about you.

I think that much my admiration for little Greta comes from the fact that I live in Singapore, where our youth are depressing. The only thing our young people do is to try to be more “establishment” than the actual “establishment.” What does it say about a system where the old farts are more interested in changing the world? While other kids clamored to join Greta on her marches, ours stayed in the classroom and left the marching to ….wait for it……our Minister for Transport, Mr. Khaw Boon Wan (Singapore is threatened by rising sea-levels).

OK, let’s be clear, I’m not against the established order. In Singapore, the established order has done is a good job in delivering basic services. There is clean water for all, food in our belies and a roof over the head for most of us. Majority of Singaporeans live damn well. So, anyone reading this might ask why I keep writing what I do and complaining about this thing called freedom of thought instead of just buckling under the system and excepting my fate.

The answer is simple – we live in a changing world where established paradigms get shattered on an hourly basis. While there is an important place in the world for conventional people, the status quo around the world needs to be challenged. We need more little Greta’s who care enough about something and who get themselves onto the world stage and who are willing to be rude to the most powerful people in the world.

The established order can make you feel comfortable. However, as it is often said, being comfortable can be very bad for you. Sure, little children should be in school and they should not be rude about the established order. Society punishes those who step out of line.

I think of a meme going around the internet from an “old-person” mocking little Greta. It was along the lines of making the kids cycle since they want to not use fossil fuels (no car) and turning down the radiator because that would cause global warming. Well, there’s the thing, if all world’s kids back then didn’t get passionate about things back in the old days, we’d probably still be ridding on the horse drawn carriage – our minds would be unable to accept anything beyond that.

Little Greta is not wrong to tell us to look at the science on climate change. Nobody is saying we should stop driving. What we should be saying is that we know the planet is being screwed, we know using fossil fuels is part of the issue, so let’s dare to imagine alternatives to fossil fuels and work towards it. We’ve done it before, so why can’t we do it now.  

Being an independent blogger, taking on and discussing issues is tough but important work. Keeping the discussion on issues that may not be popular but need to be discussed has a value, especially when it gets people thinking. In an age where everything is about the big collective voice, it has become more important to have platforms that allow independent voices to be heard.

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Maira Gall