Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Be Careful of Who You F**K for they May have the Means to F**k You Back


I’m detest Donald Trump and his numerous copycats from around the world. However, whilst I do detest what he promotes, I got to give him credit for proving to the world that men have an awful advantage in life – namely the fact that men, no matter how awful, are forgiven many sins if they are seen with a beautiful chick by their side. Donald Trump has encouraged the removal of a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body than just about anyone else in the modern era and yet, we’re too distracted by Melania by his side. Even when he’s totally sleazy, we actually forgive him for being sleazy with something good to look at. Stormy is a porn star. She’s in the business of creating fantasies and how do you not envy the guy who gets the fantasy. Stormy, like it or not, was better looking that Monica Lewinski.

However, whilst men can be forgiven for taking advantage of the women who add value to their persona, many men take it a bit too far and get the impression that they can treat the woman like a disposable condom. Think of the guys who happily visit prostitutes to live out their wildest fantasies and then don’t pay and think it’s perfectly acceptable because the girl in question is a “whore” and therefore not worthy of human treatment.  

I guess you could argue that life is tough and getting f**ked over is part and parcel of life. It’s almost considered acceptable to be f**ked over by someone whom the rest of society regards as higher than you on the proverbial social ladder. Think of the recent Parti Liyani affair. It literally was a case of one party being “just a maid” and the other being “Chairman of the Airport.” Had Ms. Liyani not been represented by a tenacious lawyer and a host of other organizations fighting for her, this case would literally have been everyone believing the other side because it was the more powerful side.

However, whilst power and money carry a lot of weight in the practice of daily life, there are two problems.

The first is that one day, you’re bound to meet someone richer and more powerful. At that stage, you’ll find that the people who backed you will desert you and head for the bigger power.  

The other, more serious problem is the simple fact that being rich and powerful doesn’t mean you’re telling the truth or that you’re right. The weaker party can find weapons to hurt you in ways that can surprise you. This is particularly true when you’re talking about people that polite society would prefer didn’t exist.

Let’s go back to Mr. Trump and Ms. Daniels. There is a power disparity. One of them once held the most powerful job on the planet and even before that, he plenty of resources at his disposal. The other, is, as mentioned earlier, in the business of providing fantasies, particularly the type that you keep to the screens of your TV or the printed pages of the magazines on the top shelves.

However, Ms. Daniels did have one major advantage over Mr. Trump. The ability to damage his self-inflated image of being a “macho” man. Mr. Trump’s lawyers did their best to portray as her as “Just a Porn Actress” who would not be a credible witness. So, what did Ms. Daniels do? She proceeded to spill all the juicy details about her intimate encounters with Mr. Trump, which were, well, how do you say, not the type of things that a man who seems himself as being able to just “grab em by the p***y” would want coming out. As far as the jury was concerned, there was really no reason for Ms. Daniels to lie about it.



 Mr. Trump is officially the only US president to become a convicted felon. Much of the credit is being given to Ms. Daniels for being a credible witness. What’s probably more damaging for Mr. Trump on a personal basis, is the fact that his cultivated image of raw masculinity has been damaged. A man who talks about “grabbing em by the p***y” and they “just let you kiss them” has been shown to be somewhat less than stud like. Yes, you can say the judge and jury were politically motivated but can you say the same for someone who actually slept with you?

The lesson is simple. Just because someone works in a certain profession, it doesn’t mean that they’re stupid or that they can be intimidated just like that. Never underestimate someone with less to lose than you and never give them a reason to go after you whilst you hide in a tower believing you are untouchable.

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Maira Gall