I’m not
American but I have family from the States, so you could say that I have
something of a special relationship with America. American and Americans have
been a “blessing” to my personal life. By some twist of fate, my mother
remarried, Lee, my first stepfather and that provided me with the experience of
growing up in the West. My Dad remarried Nora and that gave me a special
relationship with Chicago. As I’ve grown older, I’ve found myself getting
closer to my American siblings Tara (Mum’s daughter with Lee) and Max (Dad’s
son with Nora). My American families (yes, I can claim more than one) rock!
Without descending
into mindless patriotism for my American family and friends, I do believe
America deserves the title of “Greatest Nation” in history. The USA is the only
nation that I can think of that was founded on the right of the individual to
pursue happiness – it even says so in the Constitution. That little idea spread
around the world and has helped unleash more prosperity and scientific
innovation that has raised the human standard of living beyond anything before
it. American power is not just about corporations or the military but also in
its universities, which are centres of excellence. While America may have an
inequality issue, it remains the one place that rewards excellence and so
continues to rule.
While I have
fond feelings for America and Americans in general, I’ve noticed that a
worrying trend of late. American politicians and corporate types seem to be
developing a rather entitled world view. One only has to think of the way in
which American bankers (encouraged by the American media) were happy to lecture
South East Asia about the need to let bad banks go bankrupt back in the Asian
financial crisis of 1997. A decade later, what were the Americans doing but
bailing out banks that had criminally taken money from hard working Americans
and lending it to their cronies who then proceeded to invest the proceeds in
bonuses for – themselves.
I don’t
dispute that it was important to let Asia’s bad banks go under. Many had made
bad investment decisions, often shoveling money to the dubious scams of the
well connected. Life is that simple, when you do something wrong, you face the
music and that was the case for many of the businesses in the region.
But why didn’t
the same medicine apply to America? Well, there was this phrase called “Too Big
to Fail.” Translation – there would be too many finance types looking for jobs
and that would be somehow bad for the world?
I guess there’s
some justification to protecting the greed and stupidity of an elite few in the
same way that American politicians justify invading other people. Think of the
2003 Invasion of Iraq, which was sold as “Liberation” of Iraq. Yes, they got
rid of Saddam but the Iraqi’s didn’t quite see it that way and started shooting
back at American troops. Net result – ISIS.
By some
strange logic, the American politicians who invaded Iraq to “Liberate” (we’re
doing you a favour by bombing you) were quick to denounce the evils of Vladimir
Putin who managed to annex the Crimea (majority population ethnic Russian)
without firing a shot. Not sure how that worked but apparently Putin is wrong
for doing what America did….
In the latest
round of American corporate humbug, you have the American airlines –
specifically Delta, United, Continental and American Airlines whining about how
Emirates, the plucky little airline from Dubai is stealing customers through
unfair government subsidies.
the Chairman of Emirates, HRH Sheikh
Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, has a simple message for his detractors – “offer
the best to passengers and people will fly with you.”
Emirates is an affordable airline. I prefer to fly Emirates
when I go back to Europe. Service is good and the planes are well kept. By
contrast, Delta, United, Continental and American Airlines offer miserable service.
Is anyone surprised that they’re losing customers to Emirates?
America, as I’ve said on so many times is great and as a
nation it’s been a force of good. However, American corporate honchos and
politicians need to understand that there are no entitlements in the real
world. Asians, Africans and Europeans have a religious duty to ensure that
Americans (particularly the White variety) don’t get their way automatically.
It’s the only way you make the world a better place.